Wayne / Pike Weatherization Program
Introduction to Weatherization
What is Weatherization?
Weatherization is the nation's largest residential energy efficient program. It aims to reduce the energy costs of low-income families through energy efficient Weatherization measures.
The program specifically focuses on assisting low-income families. The program primarily serves the elderly, persons with disabilities and families with children. High energy costs are an excessive burden on low- income families; weatherization addresses this need for assistance. The Weatherization assistance program is done for eligible households at no cost.
How is Weatherization Done?
Weatherization is performed by professionally trained crews. They evaluate single-family homes, multifamily dwellings, and mobile homes. The Weatherization team then determines which energy efficiency measures are appropriate, emphasizing the cost effective measures and those which are essential for health and safety of the occupant.
Weatherization performs energy efficient retrofits through utilization of Department of Energy (DOE), Low Income Heating & Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and privately leveraged funds.
How Do I Know if I Qualify?
Anyone who owns or rents and occupies his/her own home or apartment and whose income meets the income guidelines listed to the right. The income limits for weatherization is 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.
Please contact our office to be put on the waiting list.